About First St. Paul's Lutheran Church

First St. Paul's Lutheran Church as seen from Nafziger Road.

First St. Paul's Lutheran Church as seen from Nafziger Road.

Our congregation was founded in 1852 and recently celebrated 170 years of ministry!

We are a congregation of the East District of Lutheran Church - Canada (LCC) in fellowship with the Lutheran Church - Missouri Synod (LC-MS). LCC consists of more than 80,000 members in 328 parishes across Canada. 

Pastor André (Andy) Schroth has led our congregation in ministry since 2003. We invite you to visit our caring community of believers who take to heart the Word of God.


Our address:

3620 Nafziger Road
Wellesley, ON NOB 2TO
Canada (Get directions)


Contact us:

Telephone: +1-519-656-2635
email: fsplc3620@gmail.com

Twitter: @FirstSaintPauls

Where to find us: