Pot-Blessing Lunch Fundraiser for 2020 VBS
This lunch will be followed by our Annual Meeting.
Sharing God's Word in Wellesley and the community since 1852
This lunch will be followed by our Annual Meeting.
Come out an enjoy good food and fellowship and support the Wellesley Food Cupboard and the Wilmot Resource Centre Food Bank with a free-will offering.
A Mary Martha Pot-blessing lunch follows Service. Their Seminary Student follows the lunch with a talk about his life. A free-will offering will be taken and the proceeds given the their student.
Join us for delicious food with a free will offering to support our 2019 VBS and stay for the Annual Meeting.
Hamburger and Hot Dog Luncheon Fundraiser for Camp Pioneer Kids. Camp Pioneer Kids program is held every Tuesday night from October to April and is a great outreach project. Sign up sheet on bulletin board in the Gathering Room for donations of salads, desserts and condiments. Hamburgers, hot dogs and buns supplied.
Nothing to bring! Lunch provided by FaithLife to give thanks to the congregation for help with their events. Come and enjoy fellowship and good food.
First St. Paul's Lutheran Church, Wellesley, Ontario. A member of Lutheran Church Canada
Sunday School - 9:15 a.m.
Sunday Adult Bible Study - 9:15 a.m.
YBS! (Youth Bible Study) - 9:30 a.m.
Sunday Divine Service - 10:30 a.m.
First St. Paul's Lutheran Church – 3620 Nafziger Road, Wellesley, ON N0B 2T0